Terms & Conditions
About copyrights
- The copyright of all content published in this site belong to our company and the cooperation company that is related to the management of this site.
- It is prohibited to use this content beyond the extent of personal use or that authorized by the copyright laws without obtaining prior approval from the right holder.
- It is requested for one to obtain prior agreement for use of any content in this site.
About handling of personal information
- Our company deeply recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of our customers and adopts a policy to use and protect personal information of our customers, collected when our customers browsed or used this site, within the appropriate scope of purpose.
- For inquiries on our company’s privacy policy, contact us from the “Contact Us” page.
- Whilst we take reasonable care to ensure that the information on this site is accurate at the time of publication, no guarantee is made as to the accuracy or completeness of this information. In no event shall our company be liable for any troubles, losses, and damages resulting from use of this information.
- Content published in this site may be changed or withdrawn without prior notice. In no event shall our company be liable for any troubles, losses, and damages resulting from the use, termination, suspension, or change in published information of this site.
- This site may be linked to a site of a third party. These links are provided for convenience only, and our company is not responsible for any content of these third-party sites.
About links
- If you wish to link to this site, you are required to apply from the “Contact Us” indicated below and obtain prior agreement from our company. Make sure to include information such as your name, contact information, URL of the website you wish to link the site to, website operator, overview of the website, and the purpose of the link.